[GNC] GNC 3.3 CSV Importer Freezing on MacOS

klawani lawani at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 17:19:19 EDT 2018

A few days ago I was able to do my first successful CSV import on my GNC 3.3
installation (MacOS 10.12.6 - Sierra). 
I then spent a week preparing a much larger import. The CSV file is
basically the same structure as was used for the earlier successful run - in
fact I'm using the settings I saved at the time.

But now the CSV import doesn't work. When I click "next" on the "transaction
information" window everything stops...it freezes. I've done this several
times and left it to run for hours at one point so I'm quite sure it's not
just being slow.

Any ideas would be appreciated. Because I'm having to forcefully terminate
the application, each time I restart it it fails to obtain the file lock and
I select the "open anyway" option - could this be relevant?

Thanks in advance.

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