[GNC] Chromebooks

randix butterandsalt at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 21:05:14 EDT 2018

An update and recap...

I purchased a Google Pixel Chromebook ($999).

I activated the Linux option on the Chromebook by following this link (it
specifically used the Google Pixel Chromebook as their example):


The activation was simple and without any issues.  If one has a chromebook
other than the one mentioned above and in the article, I make zero promises
re your success…[that’s a disclaimer].

Prior to purchasing the Chromebook, I was using a Dell XPS 13 with GnuCash
3.3 installed, Windows 10.  Although I could get an older version of GnuCash
linux installed, it did not look good, and more importantly, my 3.3 GnuCash
files were not compatible with the older version. I was desperate (my XPS
laptop had just been stolen, and I had opted to go for the Chromebook
because of the linux support which I assumed would work with GnuCash).

I started a thread on the GnuCash user site… admittedly in desperation.
Although I had extensive backups of my GnuCash data and supplementary files,
that did me little good if I could not get the program installed.


If you read the thread (hundreds of posts), you will see I got all of kinds
of assistance and suggestions, in addition to private replies that many
users were kind enough to send me.

Btw, using the product “Crossover” which allows Window programs to run on
Linux, did not work for me, eg for GnuCash.

To cut to the chase, after many dead ends, it was suggested to me to try


I first entered at the terminal prompt: 

sudo apt-get install flatpak 

then I entered... 

sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

I restarted the Chromebook 

Per the instructions on the flathub site, to install GnuCash, I entered at
the terminal prompt: 

flatpak install flathub org.gnucash.GnuCash

but that did not work. Colin Law, a member on the GnuCash user site, who is
now on my Christmas list, suggested that I needed to add “sudo”, without the
quotes, prior to the above line.  I did and it worked perfectly.

It installed:
Version: 3.2 
Build ID: 3.2+ (2018-06-24) 
Finance::Quote: - 

I’ve been using it now for several weeks, and I am so grateful I have it up
and running.  I have encountered a few issues which I’ve not yet had time to
investigate, but I’m so grateful to have the basic program up and running,
it’s the least of my concerns.  Those issues include occasional issues when
I go and reconcile after running aqbanking, retrieving prices, and not
having time to figure out where to place the file to customize the colors. 
But all in all, I’m very pleased and so, so relieved.

I do understand that in the next Chrome OS release or 2, they will be adding
more support to the linux system, to make it even easier to work with, so I
look forward to that.

Again, much thanks to everyone who helped me out.  Seems like only yesterday
when I bought 4 6-packs of Stella, and spent days manually transferring over
all of my transactions from Quicken… ah, to be young again :)

Hope the above summary is of some use.

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