[GNC] A feature request for next release

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Mon Sep 3 08:43:10 EDT 2018

On Sun, 2 Sep 2018, David Cousens wrote:

> All of the icons in the toolbar that I have looked at in GC 3.2 running on
> Linux (Mint 19) seem to have tooltips which explain their function
> implemented which show up if you hover over the icons (not just Save Close
> and Split). A little slow but ok while you become familiar with the icon
> meanings. Is this not the case on the OS you are using? If not it may be
> an OS dependent problem.


   You're absolutely correct. Every application using icons defaults to using
tool tips. As you write, it requires moving the pointing device and takes a
bit more time.

   Text on a toolbar does not require tool tips. And, many applications have
keyboard shortcuts so that Alt-<letter> provides direct access. For example,
the GIMP allows me to typd Ctrl-Shift-e to export a file instead of clicing
on the File menu, then the Export item.


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