[GNC] Importing csv transactions

Paul Konnersman konnersman at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 18:19:06 EDT 2018

I'm new to Gnucash and trying to get set up. I successfully imported a
couple of years worth of transactions into one account a few months ago
when I was evaluating Gnucash. Now I'm trying to import more transactions
into that same account without success.

My process:
1) Menu Bar> File> Input> Import Transactions from CSV
2) Navigate to CSV file to be imported
3) Set Date format to y-m-d
4) Set currency format to "period"
5) Map columns in imported file to columns in Gnucash

   1. Date -> Date
   2. Num -> Num
   3. Description -> Action
   4. Account -> Transfer
   5. Notes -> C
   6. Deposit -> Debit Amount
   7. None -> Credit Amount
   8. None -> Balance

6) I get a notice repeated three times that reads, "Date Column could not
be understood."

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


*Paul M. Konnersman*
*konnersman at gmail.com <konnersman at gmail.com>*

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