[GNC] Associated files to transactions

johnsears johndsears at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 11 08:13:54 EDT 2018

I started using GNUCash on a Windows (Vista) machine many years ago, but have
recently migrated to Linux ( Mint on one machine and Ubuntu on my main
machine) - I am a novice when it comes to Linux

When using the associate files function  for a transaction within  GNUCash
on Windows, I stored all of my pdfs on an  external USB/ SD card. Windows 
mapped this address  with a letter, G, in this case.  ( I also store my
accounts on this same card now) 

So my files were all stored on G:/documents/xxx.pdf

Now that I have transferred to Linux, this path is not recognised - "
GNUCash could not open the associated URI: file:///G:/documents/xxx.pdf"  

Is there a way to bulk edit the paths of all the  links so that Linux will
recognise  the SD path?  I would prefer not to go  into every single
transaction to do this, as I have a lot of linked files. 

Or is there someway ( and this might be more of a Linux question) to map the
SD card to the "file:///G" terminology. 


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