[GNC] Windows 10 installation very slow opening or saving file

Jamestk davidjamestk at hotmail.co.uk
Sun Sep 23 08:52:06 EDT 2018

>From memory the Linux version always seems to run that bit faster and
smoother, that was my impression when I had both installed albeit different
versions (could never work out how to download the latest version,).

Not sure if this will help but my load/save time whilst not fast have
improved since updating my account hierarchy. Over time I had built up a
large number of accounts and sub accounts needed for stock entry which
became unworkable on a day to day basis, eventually I did some house keeping
removing these and simplifying the account structure.

i remember reading a while back about error checking, perhaps this is a
function performed during saving (makes sense) and loading, complex account
structures my lengthen this process?

Have you guys entered any stock related entries?    

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