[GNC] can Gnucash provide a list of unreconciled cheques?

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Sun Sep 30 14:28:00 EDT 2018

> On Sep 30, 2018, at 10:42 AM, Barnabooth <brantlouise at gmail.com> wrote:
> There are times (particularly near year's-end) when a simple list of the
> unreconciled  (i.e. uncashed) cheques would be very convenient.
> I seem to see nothing in either the reports or the reconciliation window
> that would do.
> Is there a way?

Edit>Find or <ctrl>f to open the find dialog.
Search for 
   Number matches regex .+ 
   Reconcile is not cleared

That assumes that you enter numbers when you write paper checks and only in that instance. If that's not the case you'll need to figure out some other way to separate checks from everything else.

Note that if you use find from the Accounts page you'll be searching all accounts; if you do so from a register page you'll be searching only the corresponding account.

John Ralls

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