[GNC] QIF File import

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at gmail.com
Fri Apr 26 18:47:48 EDT 2019

On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 9:58 PM Hardeep Sodhi <hsodhim3 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to import Quicken data into Gnucash.
> I have created a QIF File. The import starts well, but stops at the
> 'Tradeable Commodities' screen since there is no 'Next' button I can see at
> the bottom of the screen ( as there is in screens previous).
> I think this is a user interface issue. Have tried on my laptop as well as
> desktop but with no success.

What version of GnuCash?
What operating system?

Have you checked the FAQ?

Have you seen the FAQ link to the Quicken Migration page?

I have not done a QIF import in many years, but if you're importing several
years of data you might go back into Quicken and export just a single year
or a single account category to get started. You can do several "test"
imports and see ways to make the final import go a lot smoother. Since
you're stumbling on "tradeable commodities," maybe at minimum it would help
to export your trading accounts separately.

If you continue to have trouble at a specific point, you may need to look
carefully at the QIF file in a text editor to see if you can see an obvious
error in the data.

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