[GNC] Problems moving vertical lines between columns on registers

James Fuller James at plateautel.net
Mon Aug 12 19:12:53 EDT 2019

Hi Guys,

I'm having a problem figuring out how to move the vertical lines 
defining columns on registers.   I seem to remember that you place a 
mouse cursor on the vertical line, hold down the right mouse button, and 
move left or right to change the width of of the columns.  When I do 
that, the vertical line moves with my mouse. When I let go of the right 
button the line zips back.

I'm using 3.2 Gnucash on a Windows 7 HP desktop.  What am I doing 
wrong?  BTW, I have read the Help Manual until I'm blue in the face and 
can't find it.

Thank you

James Fuller

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