[GNC] Get online quote for Canada Fund

Kaman Wu kamanwu at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 22:05:00 EDT 2019

Hello Ove,

I try to change the code by myself.  I am using windows 10 right now.

I find the perl code
at: C:\Strawberry\cpan\build\Finance-Quote-1.49-0\lib\Finance\Quote\Cdnfundlibrary.pm

BUT after I made the change, it looks like the GNC still call the old
code.  Can I change that file directly?
Does GNC keep a copy of this file? (I cannot find the it)

Thanks a lot.

On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 1:46 PM Kaman Wu <kamanwu at gmail.com> wrote:

> thanks a lot.  I will try it.
> On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 1:40 PM Ove Grunnér <write2ove at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I was looking at the code in cpan, and it looks like the module is using
>> this base url
>> http://www.fundlibrary.com/funds/db/_fundcard.asp?t=2&id=
>> and then adding the code after it, e.g.
>> http://www.fundlibrary.com/funds/db/_fundcard.asp?t=2&id=1743
>> however when trying this url, I get Error 404, unknown web page,
>> It could be that the module is not current and fails on everything.
>> if you are comfortable with perl, you could try changing the url in the module.
>> I tried also to retrieve the mutual fund from my ubuntu based gnucash, and it also fails.
>> there are contact details for this module on this url: https://metacpan.org/author/ECOCODE
>> the author of the code may be able to help more.
>> br Ove.
>> On Sun, 11 Aug 2019 at 15:44, Kaman Wu <kamanwu at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Ove,
>>> Thanks for reply my question.  I did try "1743".  Still get the same
>>> error message.   I really need solve the problem, otherwise, I have to
>>> manually input the price for all funds I have.
>>> PS C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin> perl .\gnc-fq-dump -v fundlibrary
>>>   1743
>>> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>>>     symbol: 1743 (deduced)       <=== required
>>>       date: ** missing **        <=== recommended
>>>   currency: ** missing **        <=== required
>>>       last:                      <=\
>>>        nav:                      <=== one of these
>>>      price:                      <=/
>>>   timezone:                      <=== optional
>>> ** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!
>>> All fields returned by Finance::Quote for stock 1743
>>> stock           field  value
>>> -----           -----  -----
>>> 1743         errormsg: Fund name 1743 not found
>>> 1743             last: **missing**
>>> 1743              nav: **missing**
>>> 1743            price: **missing**
>>> 1743          success: 0
>>> PS C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin> perl .\gnc-fq-dump -v
>>> canadamutual  1743
>>> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>>>     symbol: 1743 (deduced)       <=== required
>>>       date: ** missing **        <=== recommended
>>>   currency: ** missing **        <=== required
>>>       last:                      <=\
>>>        nav:                      <=== one of these
>>>      price:                      <=/
>>>   timezone:                      <=== optional
>>> ** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!
>>> All fields returned by Finance::Quote for stock 1743
>>> stock           field  value
>>> -----           -----  -----
>>> 1743         errormsg: Error determining fund code for 1743.
>>> 1743             last: **missing**
>>> 1743              nav: **missing**
>>> 1743            price: **missing**
>>> 1743          success: 0
>>> On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 6:56 AM Ove Grunnér <write2ove at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Kaman,
>>>> according to https://metacpan.org/pod/Finance::Quote::Cdnfundlibrary
>>>> "This module uses an id that represents the mutual fund on an id used
>>>> by www.fundlibrary.com. There is no easy way of fetching the id except
>>>> to jump onto the fundlibrary website, look up the fund and view the url for
>>>> clues to its id number."
>>>> the url for TDB900 is:
>>>> https://www.fundlibrary.com/MutualFunds/Detail/td-canadian-index-fund-e-series/1743
>>>> so try 1743
>>>> br Ove.
>>>> On Sun, 11 Aug 2019 at 04:07, Kaman Wu <kamanwu at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I did some search, and found some old posts which are not very helpful.
>>>>> I think I can use:
>>>>> https://metacpan.org/pod/Finance::Quote::Cdnfundlibrary
>>>>> Basing on this module, it use the data from
>>>>> http://www.fundlibrary.com/
>>>>> I do can search TDB900 on this website and find the correct fund.
>>>>> BUT when I setup it up in gnucash, I get quote failed.
>>>>> PS C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin> perl .\gnc-fq-dump -v
>>>>> fundlibrary
>>>>> TDB900
>>>>> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
>>>>>     symbol: TDB900 (deduced)     <=== required
>>>>>       date: ** missing **        <=== recommended
>>>>>   currency: ** missing **        <=== required
>>>>>       last:                      <=\
>>>>>        nav:                      <=== one of these
>>>>>      price:                      <=/
>>>>>   timezone:                      <=== optional
>>>>> ** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!
>>>>> All fields returned by Finance::Quote for stock TDB900
>>>>> stock           field  value
>>>>> -----           -----  -----
>>>>> TDB900       errormsg: Fund name TDB900 not found
>>>>> TDB900           last: **missing**
>>>>> TDB900            nav: **missing**
>>>>> TDB900          price: **missing**
>>>>> TDB900        success: 0
>>>>> Any one know how to fix it? or how (where) to report this problem?
>>>>> Thanks.
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