[GNC] *.deb package for GnuCash 3.4 Released

Stephen M. Butler kg7je at arrl.net
Tue Jan 1 15:49:58 EST 2019

On 1/1/19 12:14 PM, Les wrote:
> Me either on Linux Mint. Still on GC 2.6.17.
A little research shows that Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu with these
relationships (loosely to debian):

Mint <- Ubuntu <- Debian

19.1 Tessa <- 18.04 Bionic <- 10 buster

19 Tara <- 18.04 Bionic <- 10 buster

18.3 Sylvia <- 16.04 Xenial <- 9 stretch

18.2 Sonya <- 16.04 Xenial  <- 9 stretch

18.1 Serena <- 16.04 Xenial <- 9 stretch

17.3 Rosa <- 14.04 Trusty <- 8 jessie

17.2 Rafaela <- 14.04 Trusty <- 8 jessie

17.1 Rebecca <- 14.04 Trusty <- 8 jessie

17 Qiana <- 14.04 Trusty <- 8 jessie

So, I'd say you need to be on Tara or Tessa to have any hope.  You might
need to look at the Ubuntu dependencies and see if you need newer ones
on Mint.


> On 1/1/19 1:06 PM, Tim Kallmer wrote:
>> No luck, still not working for me.
>> On Tue, Jan 1, 2019 at 4:12 AM Colin Law <clanlaw at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 31 Dec 2018 at 17:58, Tim Kallmer <tkallmer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> the .deb package did not work for me on Ubuntu 18.10
>>> As I posted earlier, for ubuntu 18.10 do
>>> sudo apt install libboost-regex1.65.1
>>> Colin

Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
Stephen.M.Butler51 at gmail.com
kg7je at arrl.net
GnuPG Fingerprint:  8A25 9726 D439 758D D846 E5D4 282A 5477 0385 81D8

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