[GNC] Export Company file to Accountant

Stephen M. Butler kg7je at arrl.net
Wed Jan 2 12:36:16 EST 2019

On 1/2/19 12:28 AM, Charles Peter Avery wrote:
> Hello,
> I am currently using QuickBooks desktop and I want to convert to GnuCash
> however at the end of each financial year I need to provide my accountant
> with a company file that can be imported into Sage HandiSoft.  Is this
> possible with GnuCash?
> Regards
> Charles Avery

A Google search indicates that Sage Handisoft can import from a CSV. 
GnC can export to a CSV.  Just be sure the column order is what Sage

Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
Stephen.M.Butler51 at gmail.com
kg7je at arrl.net
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