[GNC] Report Grouping by Account Level

T&M Strain signmeup05 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 10:14:35 EST 2019

First time using the GnuCash email lists.
I'm trying to have and income/expense report grouped or displayed in a
different way than what is given and I'm not sure it is possible. For
example, I want to show fuel purchased by vehicle in a transaction report.

In my accounts, I have:
- Expenses:Auto:Car1:Fuel and
- Expenses:Auto:Car2:Fuel.

When choosing the Accounts from the Options in a Transaction report, I have
to pick on Fuel for both vehicles, and the report returns "FUEL" split out,
but not labeled as Car 1 and Car 2 - i.e. I get two Fuel totals, but I
can't immediately tell what is Car 1 and what is Car 2.

Is there a way to include the "one-up" level split in the transaction
report? So I would see Car 1 Fuel and then Car 2 Fuel?



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