[GNC] Dialog Box Layout and Cursor Displacement

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Sun Jul 7 12:23:23 EDT 2019

Are you using MacOS by any chance? There is a bug already filed on something similar for that environment. Retina displays also seem to be involved in some cases.


The workaround for now, seems to be either resize the window manually, or by maximizing or going full screen. (and then back to the previous size if you like) And/or ‘document tabs’ need to be turned off in the Dock preferences. (Mine is set to `In Full Screen Only` where the default is `Always`)

Also, please trim the non-relevant parts of a message when replying, in this case, you should have just started a new thread rather than hitting `reply`.


> On Jul 7, 2019, at 10:36 AM, Su Fan <hifredo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a strange problem to report. I have been using Gnucash for several
> months now without this issue. Recently, the 'layout' of the Dialog Box
> 'shifted' a bit causing the cursor to 'displace' which cannot hit
> accurately at the selected boxes. I have to point the cursor slightly away
> from the box in to order to select it. This is weird. Can this be fixed?
> Would reinstalling the system help? I have been trying to avoid
> reinstalling the system and risk the chances of losing any work done or any
> of the transactions.
> Fred

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