[GNC] Non-profit accounts - reporting of restricted funds and of future commitments
Christopher Lam
christopher.lck at gmail.com
Sat Jul 20 09:07:16 EDT 2019
On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 at 12:28, Michael Hendry <hendry.michael at gmail.com>
> Assets/Current Assets/Charity/Charity Current
> Assets/Current Assets/Charity/Charity Savings
> I’d like to be able to report on both accounts as if they were a single
> account (the spreadsheet simply treated these as a single account and
> ignored the transfers between the accounts) but a request for a report on
> the parent (Assets/Current Assets/Charity) in a Balance Sheet report gives
> a zero result.
Are you using the default Balance Sheet? You'll need to choose, from
Display / Parent account balances or Parent balance subtotals, a suitable
choice. Hint: don't choose subtotals in both.
> B. Some charitable receipts are earmarked as they are received - e.g.
> Income/Earmarked Funds/Polio Plus
> Income/Earmarked Funds/Water Account
> and I’d like a similar composite report on the children of
> Income/Earmarked Funds, preferably on the same report as in A. above, to
> guide members on what is actually available for them to spend.
Is this the best way of recording earmarked funds? I'd imagine recording
from the donor, wish #polioplus in description, would be more suitable?
Anyway, Transaction Report, originating from Earmarked Funds account,
select children.
> C. Sometimes a decision is made to commit funds already collected but in a
> situation where the money won’t be spent immediately - e.g. a building
> project.
> This is obviously similar to the Earmarked Funds in B., but I’m not sure
> how best to handle it.
> I could create a transaction between the Charity Current Account with
> today’s date and Expenses/Charity/Committed Funds as the destination
> account.
This is similar to budgeting? If this internal allocation of funds isn't to
be used anywhere else, would an asset account were created as a child of
Asset/CurrentAssets/Charity called 'Restricted Funds', and transferred to
Asset/EarmarkedFunds/Projects be better, and check the parent-account
balance to determine 'unallocated funds' ? I don't know. What *could* be
implemented, is the concept of 'virtual transactions' whereby the balances
are counted separately from the real-life transactions
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