[GNC] GC CTD lost saved reports

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Sun Jun 2 16:31:14 EDT 2019

> On Jun 2, 2019, at 11:37 AM, Elmar <etschme at gmail.com> wrote:
> OK, this is a weird.  I was editing some of the options in a report, specifically unhighlighting one account and highlighting another to include, and tried to save the report.  GC crashed to desktop.  Reopening it (open anyway), now GC tells me that I have no saved reports at all!  Looking in .gnucash folder, I see saved-reports-2.4 (and its backup file) dated in 2018, so they are there, and they are in the backup 7zip archive dated 15APR2019 (created by BackupGnuCash.jar along with the .gnucash.gcm and the .gnucash files itself).  OTOH aqbanking works fine.  This is GC 3.5 running under Linux Mint 19.1 Mate desktop.  How do I get my reports back? - Elmar

GnuCash 3 moved the configuration files, see https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Configuration_Locations. Look for saved-reports-2.8 in the new location.

John Ralls

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