[GNC] How to reorder account tree AND transactions?

Jeff Earickson jaearick at gmail.com
Thu May 2 20:20:07 EDT 2019


I stared at the FAQ "How can I reorder accounts in the account tree?" and
searched the archives, but remain stumped.

A while back I opened a Schwab checking account, and I've got a couple of
years worth of transactions in it.  Now I want to reorder the account
structure from:

Schwab.....  $xxx.xx   (a simple account with some money in it and s
transaction history)


Schwab  (a folder)
     Checking...   (same as above, with all of the transactions carried
     Brokerage (new folder)
          (new sub-accounts under here)

I tried editing account names by sticking in "::", eg trying to change
"Schwab" to Schwab::Checking" but that didn't fly.  Any way to do this?
--- Jeff Earickson

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