[GNC] AQbanking setup crash

aegross aegross at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 20:48:20 EDT 2019

Amex is encrypting (tokenizing?) the account number now.  So you have to
determine what your account number is.  I downloaded a QFX file from their
website. <ACCTID> reveals the encrypted account number.  I don't know if
this sort of account number gets rotated every so often so I am not saying
this is "the answer". I can say I downloaded transactions succesfully.  One
odd thing was I asked for all transactions from 9/15 to 9/16 and I received
transactions from 9/11 to 9/15.  

Thanks to  this thread <https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=162111>  
which discussed the tokenizing. 


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