[GNC] GNUCash beginner setup

denz denzil at mpi-sws.org
Fri Apr 3 12:21:52 EDT 2020

Dear all,

I am a new user to GNUCash and I have read the Help Manual [0] and some
popular video tutorials [1]. I have also played around with the software. I
am now planning to transition to use an accounting software for full time. 

Current Situation 

I have 3 checking bank accounts with prior transaction history and only
transaction CSV export functionality. Bank 1 with ~ 1400 transactions over
last 4 years with the CSV format below (Bank1.csv attached with this

"Date","Payee","Account number","Transaction type","Payment
reference","Category","Amount (EUR)","Amount (Foreign Currency)","Type
Foreign Currency","Exchange Rate"
"2016-05-24","XXXXXX","DE33XXXXXXX","Income","Num bank2.csv
<http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/file/t378947/bank2.csv>  ber26
"2016-05-27","YYYYYY","","Transaction type

Bank 2 with ~80 transactions over last 1 year with CSV format below
(Bank2.csv attached with this message)

TTransaction date,Value date,Transaction type,Booking
text,Amount,Currency,Account of initiator,Bank code of account of
initiator,IBAN of account of initiator,Category
18.03.2020,18.03.2020,debit,"Monatsrechnung R2000006457 S0151396 270901
End-to-End-Ref.: 3656423 Mandatsref: MBSS0151396270930925 Gläubiger-ID:
heating, water"
02.03.2020,02.03.2020,debit,"WEMAG AG Knr. 9946518 46.00/Abschlag vom 01.
03.2020 1633629/Obj.: 2144729 End-to-End-Ref.: 22182554 Mandatsref:
SEPA0009946518G0000355224 Gläubiger-ID: DE70ZZZ00000077958
wiederholend",-46.00,EUR,987341500,12040000,DEXXXXXXX,"Electricity, heating,

Future Situation - What would I like to do?

Categorised History of my Transactions with Categories - Electricity, Heat,
Water, Groceries, Restaurants, Travel, Shopping, Salary, Tax Refund, Drug
Store etc.

What did I do?

 1. I opened two checking accounts for each of the banks with opening
balance 0
 2. I used the import CSV function to import both Bank1.csv and Bank2.csv, I
marked all the required fields and it gets imported
 3. I manually categorised a few months of transactions to achieve some
"training" for the CSV import 

What do I observe?

 1. I observe an Imbalanced EUR extra entry 
 2. Categorization is a hit and miss even for the same scheduled transaction
with same values. For example, the transaction named "rent" with the same
EUR amount "xxx" will get classified as something else despite giving it
training for many times
 3. Opening account balances do not match after a final full import of
transactional CSV data

I compare this to KMyMoney [2] and import etc. just works out there with a
click. The most challenging part was when I exported my KMyMoney neatly
categorized data into QIF and imported it again into GNUCash, it led to the
same behaviour of mismatched opening account balances.

I would like to use GNUCash, I really do but it seems KMyMoney might be
better. Before I make a decision, I want to understand the perspectives from
expert users on the group to see if I am missing something. What do you guys

bank1.csv <http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/file/t378947/bank1.csv>   
bank2.csv <http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/file/t378947/bank2.csv>  

[0] https://www.gnucash.org/viewdoc.phtml?doc=help

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqAaScYVeRQ

[2] https://kmymoney.org

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