[GNC] CSV import of fund transactions

Alaeddin Aydiner alaeddinaydiner at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 9 02:04:07 EDT 2020


I could not get the price of a mutual fund imported to GnuCash 3.6 and 
3.7 through a CSV. Everything else seems to get imported just fine. Has 
anyone managed to achieve this?

The CSV looks like the following for a mini dividend reinvestment:

04/5/2020,Fund Divident REINVESTMENT @ 31.5244,Brokerage Account:Mutual 
,,Income:Dividend Income,-1.23,1.0

When this is imported, the split transaction is imported correctly but 
the price of the fund is not. I tried the fractional form of the price 
as well. I can put it in any required format as the CSV is generated by 
a script already. BTW, if there is a GnuCash python example, I'd be fine 
with that too.

Thanks in advance!

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