[GNC] Should i create "Equity Account" for each currency I had ?

David Cousens davidcousens at bigpond.com
Wed Apr 15 18:19:16 EDT 2020

Tthese accounts in Equity are Opening Balances. They are intended to treat
the situation where you start using Gnucash and you already have existing
assets or accounts with existing balances in other currencies when you
create the set of books. They serve no other purpose. Any trading gains or
losses prior to this are not in this set of books. Any trading gains or
losses after this are reflected in the trading accounts and reported in the
Balance Sheet

If a currency 's value increases relative to your book currency, then both
assets and your equity are increasing by the amount of that increase. this
is the way double entry accounting works.

How is it that you don't know what is going on with the trading accounts?
AFAIK The trading gains or losses in other currencies should be converted to
the book currency and the totals displayed in the book currency but it
should be possible to display the balances in the original currency and then
converted to the book currency by increasing the number of levels in the
balance sheet display as it is for Assets and Equity and that would be my
expectation. I do not at this point have a dummy transaction setup to create
a gain or loss in my dummy test book for trading accounts. You can also opt
to display the exchange rates which also appear without labels for the
currencies involved. I must say I find the lack of column headers
identifying the currency a column is in in the expanded displaya bit
disconcerting. but you can always copy the report to a spreadsheet and add
such niceities there.

If you increase the number of levels of account displayed does it not
display the individual currency trading accounts as it does for assets and
equity? Have you explored the report options. Edit->ReportOptions? The
report has to be open before you edit the options and then you use the apply
button to apply them to the open report. You cn aslo save the report with
specific options set for later use.


David Cousens
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