[GNC] Error with Asset Chart report

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Dec 7 18:04:05 EST 2020

Before installing 4.2, I tested with the sample file. It threw the 
errors as ya'll have indicated.

I re-assigned all of the higher level asset transactions to Level 7, and 
while it still threw the error, it only did so for one iteration with 
option '6' and did not throw it for option 'All'. (before this 
re-assignment, it iterated the error once for each transaction)

I also tested marking each of the intermediate level accounts as 
placeholders but this had no effect.

Again, I find it odd that the Expense Chart doesn't throw the error even 
with 7-8 levels deep with transactions. (and not all intermediary 
accounts empty or placeholders)


On 12/7/20 4:46 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> No, but I am still on 4.1, about to jump to 4.2 and see if that makes a 
> difference. (I normally have no reason for waiting, I've just been busy)

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