[GNC] {GNC} How secure is Gnu-Cash? Good enough for a credit union?

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Dec 28 21:16:02 EST 2020

While Rich, Dave & Michael have given you great responses, I'll offer my 
own condensed version:

'Accounting' is not about 'counting' (the math), but rather about 
control - "Who controls access to what, and how they are held 
'accountable' for that privilege."

Study methods of literal 'cash' control, and then consider methods and 
means to apply those principles to any non-cash (physical) accounting 
you require. You'll find that those basic principles apply nearly 
universally. 'Control' (in some cases synonymous with 'access') and 
managing it, is key. The application (use case, not computer app) isn't 
relevant to the basic question, but is relevant to the details and 
complexity of the implementation.

For example, proper cash handling/accounting and access/control 
procedures can catch someone stealing a physical $100 bill, not just the 
fact they pilfered $100 total. (I've caught such a case, because those 
procedures were in place.) No software can do this for you. This is 
entirely dependent on procedure and procedure discipline.


On 12/28/20 6:01 PM, Edward Bainton wrote:
> Can anyone give a view on whether Gnucash is suitable for a very small
> credit union?
> How would easily can fraud be detected?
> If not easily, could it be paired with, say, some kind of blockchain backup
> system so as to make fraud detectable?

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