[GNC] Does date order matter for Importing Checking Transactions?

Fran_3 mailbox0600 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 7 13:19:05 EST 2020

Does date order matter when importing checking transactions?
I'm guessing they are ordered by date in the Check Register view and not by the order in which they were entered or imported in the system... right?
I'm asking because this next account I'll be working on has almost 2,000 transactions to import and a large number of the are debit cart transactions that will not be applied as payment towards a Vendor Bill...

So I was going to sort the downloaded checking transactions to separate the casual debit card purchases...Then import those transactions which will require Posting a BillThen apply those checking transactions.as payments for each posted bill.
Then import the truck load of casual debit cart purchases... and either put them all into an accoun named "Un-allocated Expenditures" or "Sort Later" or "No Tax Impact Purchases" or whatever.
So, are there any consequences when you import checking transactions not ordered by oldest date first?
Thanks for any help.

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