[GNC] Sales, Sales Taxs & Deposits

Jimmy R mikromalaka at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 22 19:53:04 EST 2020

I've been doing bookkeeping/accounting for my business for a long time, going
back to the old Dome Book to present day alternatives. I have been doing
trial and error recording transactions in GNU.

I presently enter a deposit ex. $1080.00 of which $1000 is sales and $80 in
sales tax
Using a deposit split of Income:Sales 1000 and Liabilities:Sales Tax:Sales
Tax Collected 80

 How would you do it ? is there a better way ???

The problem I'm having is selecting the income account "sales' which shows
all the sales income of the deposits but when you export to csv it shows all
the splits income & tax from the deposits. I need to see only the Income
sales only. Sometimes a company needs to export sales for someone outside
using other spreadsheets to do trend analysis among other accounts.



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