[GNC] Custom invoices don't work after upgrade

lomax at clickworkorange.com lomax at clickworkorange.com
Thu Jul 2 11:01:10 EDT 2020

On Thu, 2020-07-02 at 13:32 +0100, lomax at clickworkorange.com wrote:
> My custom invoice template that I've used for many years stopped
> working after upgrading to 3.4 as part of a dist-upgrade. I had to
> remove a few things such as 
>    (use-modules (gnucash gnc-module))
>    (use-modules (gnucash printf))
> in order for the template to compile, but I now get 
>    Unbound variable: qof-book-get-slots
>    In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
>        829:9  4 (catch _ _ # _)
>    In eguile-gnc.scm:
>        187:6  3 (eval-input)
>        187:6  2 (lp)
>       191:13  1 (loop)
>    In ice-9/eval.scm:
>        619:8  0 (_ #(#(#(#(#) # …) …) …))
> when opening it in gnucash. My template does not contain any use of
> qof-book-get-slots. The closest I have is (define (coy-info slots
> key)
> but removing this block of company info makes no difference. I'm a
> little desperate as a client has just approved my fees for the first
> job I've had since Covid-19 struck and really need to get my invoice
> out today. It's a little frustrating that the templating API keeps
> changing - I think this is the third time I've upgraded gnucash only
> to
> find I have to spend lots of time "fixing" my invoice template.
> Please
> help! 

I went through my template looking at every instance of "key", "qof",
"coy" and similar, and commented out the only bits I could find which
seemed even remotely relevant: 

   ; (define (coy-info slots key)
   ;   ;; Extract a value from the company info key-value pairs
   ;   (kvp-frame-get-slot-path-gslist
   ;     slots 
   ;     (append gnc:*kvp-option-path* (list gnc:*business-label*


   ;  (add-option (gnc:make-text-option notespage optname-extra-css "b"
   ;                (N_ "Embedded CSS.")  "h1.coyname { text-align:

That got rid of the earlier error message, but I'm not sure if this
brought me closer to getting paid or not, because the report now
explodes with 

             16 (apply-smob/1 #<catch-closure 55f113765c60>)
   In c-interface.scm:
        22:4 15 (gnc:call-with-error-handling _ _)
   In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
       829:9 14 (catch #t #<procedure 55f114e07630 at c-
   interface.scm:23:8 ()> #<procedure 55f114e108c0 at c-
   interface.scm:31:8 (key . parameters)> _)
   In c-interface.scm:
       29:29 13 (_)
   In unknown file:
             12 (eval-string "(gnc:report-run 2)" #<undefined>)
   In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
      2312:4 11 (save-module-excursion #<procedure 55f114e10820 at ice-
   9/eval-string.scm:66:9 ()>)
   In ice-9/eval-string.scm:
        38:6 10 (read-and-eval #<input: string 55f114e0dcb0> #:lang _)
   In report.scm:
       830:4  9 (gnc:report-run _)
   In c-interface.scm:
       70:23  8 (gnc:backtrace-if-exception _ . _)
        22:4  7 (gnc:call-with-error-handling _ _)
   In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
       829:9  6 (catch #t #<procedure 55f114e075a0 at c-
   interface.scm:23:8 ()> #<procedure 55f114e10660 at c-
   interface.scm:31:8 (key . parameters)> _)
   In c-interface.scm:
       27:29  5 (_)
   In report.scm:
      834:24  4 (_)
      807:34  3 (gnc:report-render-html #<<report> type:
   6e28a7d672124a8a854a668434f02c7 id: 2 options: #<procedure dispatch
   (key)> dirty?: #t needs-save?: #t editor-w…> …)
   In /home/me/.config/gnucash/my-invoice.scm:
      310:36  2 (report-renderer _)
   In options.scm:
      144:16  1 (gnc:option-value _)
       113:2  0 (gnc:option-getter _)
   In procedure vector-ref: Wrong type argument in position 1
   (expecting vector): #f

If possible an even more indecipherable exception "In procedure vector-
ref: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting vector): #f" I cannot
see a vector-ref anywhere in my template, but I do have this block at
the end: 

     'version 1
     'name (N_ "My Invoice")
     'report-guid "6e28a7d672124a8a854a668434f02c7"
     'menu-name (N_ "My Invoice")
     'menu-tip (N_ "Display a customer invoice in my style")
     'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-business-reports)
     'options-generator options-generator
     'renderer report-renderer)

I have compared this with the shipped reports (e.g. taxinvoice.scm) and
it looks correct. So, a few hours killed, no progress. Any suggestions?

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