[GNC] GunCash 4.0 Paper Clip and Link glyphs for file/web transaction associations

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Fri Jul 3 10:24:40 EDT 2020

The glyphs are part of the emoji section of Unicode. I don’t expect changing the base font is going to affect them.

I’m not sure how to specify just an emoji set.

I’m also not sure if GTK CSS allows rotations and other transforms like web CSS, but you might give it a try. However, there doesn’t seem to be any CSS hook exposed for the cell where the glyphs are placed on the register sheet, so I don’t think you can target them with specificity.


> On Jul 3, 2020 w27d185, at 3:31 AM, Chris Good <goodchris96 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Has anyone figured out how to make the new paper clip and link glyphs look
> better in Windows 10?
> In Linux Ubuntu 18.04 they look great but in Windows 10 they look pretty
> bad, especially the paper clip.
> Please see attached.
> C:\Users\cgood\AppData\Roaming\Gnucash\gtk-3.0.css contains :
> * {
>               font: 16px arial, sans-serif;
> }
> Changing the font from 'arial' *does* effect most characters but not the
> PaperClip or Link glyphs.
> Here's the definition of the glyphs from
> src/gnucash/register/register-core/assoccell.h
>      #define GLYPH_PAPERCLIP "\360\237\223\216" // Codepoint U+1F4CE
>      #define GLYPH_LINK      "\360\237\224\227" // Codepoint U+1F517

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