[GNC] Gnucash - user

Derek Atkins derek at ihtfp.com
Tue Jul 7 09:36:56 EDT 2020

Dear Adrian,

On Tue, July 7, 2020 2:46 am, Adrian Holbrook wrote:
> Liz, I tried to respond to a posting by David Cousens [via GnuCash] and it
> was rejected by Nabble. Could you pass on the following -

Instead of responding via Nabble, you should just respond via Email.

> I have also tried to contact Hugo a number of times. In frustration I have
> used a different email address and name and registered again following the
> instructions on the gnucashe wiki. I have the same problem. I do not
> unders
> tand the difference between posting
>  on the Gnucash list vs posting by Nabble - certainly following the wiki
> in
> structions forces you to use Nabble. as soon as you register you are sent
> an
> email to click on and it takes you to the Nabble subscribe form.

This has *me* confused.  If you subscribe via any link at
https://lists.gnucash.org/ then I do not see how you could get an email
that would link to Nabble.  It sounds like you went in via Nabble the
first time and tried to "subscribe" via Nabble.

>     I
> am very confused and would love a simple
>  process that worked like a normal forum without having to go through
> hoops

The GnuCash lists are, currently, just that: email lists.

The GnuCash mailing lists do not have a forum or any supported forum-like
interface.  Nabble, a 3rd-party service, tries to present that, but as
you've seen they appear to be having... issues..

This will change when (if) we migrate to mailman3, which includes the
"hyperkitty" forum-like interface, but at this point in time we do not
have a timeline for when this will happen.

> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.


       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       derek at ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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