[GNC] Fractional Hours?

Andrew Clark ajfclark at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 20:51:59 EDT 2020

Ok, thank you for your help. I had a look at the eguile file for the report
and it calls fmtnumeric for the qty. It looks like that's changed in the
utilities file along the way from:

(define-public (fmtnumeric n)
  ;; Format gnc-numeric n with as many decimal places as required
  (fmtnumber (gnc-numeric-to-double n)))


(define-public (fmtnumber n)
  ;; Format a number (integer or real) into something printable
  (number->string (if (integer? n) (inexact->exact n) n)))

I created a copy of the eguile file in my home directory and pointed my
report to use that, put a call the contents of the old function directly in
place where qty is printed and it now works cleanly.

Here's a diff:

--- /usr/share/gnucash/scm/gnucash/report/taxinvoice.eguile.scm 2020-07-08
10:38:56.578832054 +1000
+++ "/srv/home/aclark/Documents/Account Keeping/taxinvoice.eguile.scm"
2020-07-08 10:39:36.206075678 +1000
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
       <?scm )) ?>
       <?scm )) ?>
       <?scm (if (or units? qty?) (begin ?>
-        <td align="right"><?scm:d (fmtnumeric qty) ?></td>
+        <td align="right"><?scm:d (fmtnumber (gnc-numeric-to-double qty))
       <?scm )) ?>
       <?scm (if (or units? qty? discount?) (begin ?>
         <td align="right"><?scm:d (fmtmoney currency each) ?></td>

I don't know if that's the best fix or if there's a more suitable function
to be calling there?

On Thu, 2 Jul 2020 at 13:36, Adrien Monteleone <
adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net> wrote:

> Sorry, I see that now.
> If it was working before, then this would be a change in the report's code.
> A bug report on GnuCash’s Bugzilla would be in order.
> In the meantime, you could download and ‘borrow’ the report from a
> previous version that worked. If you update before it is fixed, you’ll have
> to keep overwriting the new report with the old.
> Another option would be to set up the old report as a custom report. (see
> the wiki on how)
> That way, it won’t get overwritten on an update, and when your bug is
> fixed, you can ditch the ‘custom’ old copy.
> Finally, it seems this is only the case with the Tax Invoice that I can
> tell. A standard (Easy) invoice report shows decimals.
> Other than looks, I’m not even certain of the benefits of the ’tax
> invoice’. For me, there is no tax info on it. But the other invoices do
> have tax info –odd that is.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> > On Jul 1, 2020 w27d183, at 9:25 PM, Andrew Clark <ajfclark at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Sorry, I misspoke in my previous.
> >
> > That setting is already in place, but this isn't a price.
> >
> > It's an actual amount that really should be decimal. Saying I'm billing
> for 171/2 hours work is confusing.
> >
> > It shows in both the Tax Invoice report and the Australian Tax Invoice
> report.
> >
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