[GNC] Net Worth Linechart report issue

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Fri Jul 10 12:04:31 EDT 2020

Is there something keeping you from upgrading to 4.0?

I don't have a Windows installation to test, but I can confirm that on 
Mac, using 4.0, a one-year/daily chart appears fine.


On 7/9/20 7:25 PM, Lipp F. wrote:
>   GnuCash 3.10 on Windows.
> The  Net Worth Linechart report is not properly positioned on the canvas.
> - when displayed in GnuCash about 15% of the canvas is not used on the
> right side part of the canvas and the left side of the chart is missing.
> - when exported and opened in a browser the opposite happens, the left side
> is missing and 15% right side not utilized.
> This is only happening for high resolution charts - one year / daily as an
> example.  Low resolution charts,  one year / monthly as an example, seem to
> be working fine.

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