[GNC] Difficulty with online price retrieval

Samantha Payn samantha at boorertranslations.com
Wed Jul 15 12:24:49 EDT 2020

   I did post this question before but am still having the same problem.

   I have successfully used Gnucash for a couple of years for
   multicurrency invoice processing using the Strawberry perl plug in (by
   clicking on Install online price retrieval in the Gnucash section of
   the start menu) and an #Alpha Vantage access key. I use Windows 10.

   Recently I had to upgrade my hardware and since installing gnucash on
   the new machine I've not been able to make the price retrieval work.

   I have tried installing gnucash, adding the API key, and then adding
   Strawberry perl; and I have tried uninstalling everything and then
   installing gnucash, adding Strawberry perl and then adding the API key.
   No joy.

   Where am I going wrong?

   All help gratefully received.


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