[GNC] Bug in account selection section of register

Colin colinfarndt at gmail.com
Sun Jul 19 15:44:48 EDT 2020

I just upgraded to 4.0 on my Mac and Linux machine, and have this bug on

When entering a new item in the register of any account, if I type the
account name using the old logic (type first few characters of the top
account name, press the separator key, type the first few characters of the
next subaccount name etc) it works fine. I see a pop-up box above the field
with all the account names as before.

If I try to use that box using the new logic (i.e. type the first few
letters of the final level sub account) it doesn't work. It will not fill
in or display that account as an option. Moreover, the popup list that
shows up above displays only about 20 of my first accounts, all the rest
are gone. This is conspicuous because I probably have close to 100 accounts
in total.

At this point, if I press delete while in that box, I can clear the field.
But the missing accounts in the pop-up window don't return. I have to
discard the transaction entirely and start over before I can get a full
account list again.

I did a search of the bugzilla but didn't see this listed there since 4.0
came out.

Thank you for any assistance,

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