[GNC] BotanyBayGardens nonprofit example, and why GnuCash does not suffice

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Mon Jul 27 17:37:39 EDT 2020

I suppose mileage varies. In my experience, I've seen a case or two 
(different businesses) where the bank had another signatory appear in 
person to sign the check before they would honor it.

If your bank offers this protection, I'd certainly bring it to their 
attention when they aren't enforcing it. (which should also be audited 
internally, I agree)


On 7/27/20 3:50 PM, Dale Alspach wrote:
> I would not put much faith in requiring two signatures. It is unlikely that
> the bank is actually paying any attention to this requirement.  I learned
> this from a former bank employee who was on the board of a nonprofit I work
> with. In other words it is an internal control only.

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