[GNC] Can you move a Liability Account to a "sub-account" in Liabilities?

Stephen M. Butler kg7je at arrl.net
Thu Jul 30 11:55:28 EDT 2020

On 7/30/20 6:41 AM, Fran_3 via gnucash-user wrote:
> 3 items listed under Liabilities... 
> Liability ALiability BLiability Ceach to a different entity but related based on certain criteria.
> We want to setup another Liability account "Liabilities ABC" and then move the 3 above under it as "sub-accounts" like ...
> Liabilities- Liabilities ABC-- Liability A-- Liability B-- Liability C
> That way we can see the total of the 3 or each individual total...
> The Question: Is there any way to do this without having to delete A, B, C, and re-creating them under Liabilities ABC ?
> Thanks for any help.


1.  Create the new Liability ABC using Liabilities as its parent.

2.  Edit the other three to change their parent from Liability to
Liability ABC.

Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
Stephen.M.Butler51 at gmail.com
kg7je at arrl.net
GnuPG Fingerprint:  8A25 9726 D439 758D D846 E5D4 282A 5477 0385 81D8 

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