[GNC] GC 2.6.19 & GC 3.8

Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Mon Mar 2 11:02:26 EST 2020

If you update using one version does it update automatically in the
other?  If so then they are the same file, but accessed via different
routes on the file system.


On Mon, 2 Mar 2020 at 15:56, Les <lelliott5 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, I mean the account file.  I now have two seperate account files
> (2.6.19) and (3.8). However, since I am not knowledgeable in Linux file
> structure, I have decided that I will only open one file at a time.
> Once I am convinced that both are maintaining the same account balances,
> I will drop the 2.6.19 version.
> Thanks,
> On 3/2/20 9:35 AM, Colin Law wrote:
> > On Sun, 1 Mar 2020 at 23:05, Les <lelliott5 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> I have just installed GC 3.8 via Flatpak and used my 2.6 version to
> >> start it but saved the file to a different location.
> > What file?  If you mean an accounts file it should save to wherever
> > you tell it to save, and if you open a file using File > Open then it
> > should save it back to that location.
> >
> > Colin

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