[GNC] The Tutorial and Concepts Guide

Frank H. Ellenberger frank.h.ellenberger at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 16:25:51 EST 2020


Am 06.03.20 um 08:10 schrieb Adrien Monteleone:
> It seems those are placeholders for sections. Perhaps they should not have been listed in the TOC. I’m not sure what ‘discussion’ means, but my guess would be there is a working bug report on the topic or specific list threads the documentation will be derived from.

I have tracked it down until 2003 (GnuCash 1.x) and the sections have
all the time been empty. IIRC nobody has complained before. ;-)

> But to the issue at hand, the Importing sections (not Appendices) should get you going.

Perhaps https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Quicken_Migration can guide you?

> If you can get your data in QIF, you should be okay, but that is not optimal. (that format has issues, especially with duplication)
> I think from what I’ve been following in other import discussions, CSV has more versatility and is easier to work with and manipulate if needed prior to importing.

Here I do not completely agree. QIF is a specific format for financial
data. CSV is a multi purpose format for tables and has other issues.

> What can Reckon export?

As Reckon is an australian product only few users might know it.

> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Mar 5, 2020 w10d65, at 10:35 PM, Rick Squires <oceancruiser at bigpond.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm just starting with GnuCash and want to migrate from Reckon Accounts
>> Personal Plus 2019 Release R 1.
>> In the Tutorial and Concepts Guide there is a section called Appendix A.
>> Migration Guide.
>> The ones I am particularly interested in are:
>> A.2. Organization of QIF Files (Discussion)
>> A.3. Common Duplication Issues (Discussion)
>> A.4. Checking QIF Data (Discussion)
>> When I try to read each of these discussions the heading loads but the page
>> is blank. Am I doing something wrong? I can read the rest of the
>> documentation OK.
>> Before I move from Reckon I would really like to ensure that I can transfer
>> all my data accurately.
>> Suggestions for alternative reading would be appreciated.


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