[GNC] How to track Family expenses ?

David Cousens davidcousens at bigpond.com
Sun Mar 15 05:18:38 EDT 2020


Adrien has addressed point 2

For point 3. I dont' create top level account for each person. The structure
I use is much like you had in your original post 


with appropriate subaccounts under each of those headings. The reports all
have the ability to select in the Report Options which accounts are
presented in a particular report. SO it is possible to prepare Balance
sheets P and Loss, Cash flow for person 1, person 1 and  the joint accounts
if you need to. The main advantage is you can prepare a report which
contains all of them and includes as subtotals the person1, person2 and
joint sub-accountsacoounts of the top level Asset, Liability, Equity, Income
and Expense accounts.  If you have separate books, you cannot do this, you
would have to exporteach individuals reports and then combine them in a

There is no way to automatically sync the account heirarchy in the Gnucash
main program and a copy in the Android app. It may be that the Android app
can read the main program datafile and write to it but there is an enormous
risk in this as there ino guarantee that the Android app and the main
GnuCash app are data file compatible and if they are they will remain so
into the future as they are produced by the GnuCash development team for the
program and a separate developer. That developer will no doubt be trying to
maintain file compatability going forward the Android app v2.4.0 AFAIK is
only compatible with the versions up to 2.7 as it was released in June 2018.
There were some data file changes going to GnuCash v3.x. They may have been
incorporated in v2.7 as v2.7 ultimately became v3.0 and may have made it.
 into the Android app. I don.t know whether they did or not. You would need
to check the release notes for GnuCash 2.6.19 forward together with the
release notes for v2.4.0 of the Android app. My choice is to avoid any
possibility of corrupting my GnuCash data file by using the CSV export form
the Android app and import to GnuCash if I need to transfer data.

The optimal solution obviously depends on your individual requirements and
personal workflow. I make almost no use of the Android app now as I have
very few transactions, almost none other than a few cash transactions that
don't go through my credit or debit card accounts and I can download those
from the bank as fequently as I wish. e can really only illustrate how we
use GnuCash. You will have to adapt how you use i to your own situation.
Good luck


David Cousens
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