[GNC] AQBanking OFX DirectConnect

Chris Graves mohavebaked at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 11:50:46 EDT 2020

ofxtools -- nice toolset!

Here are the results from my bank:
ofxget scan kinecta
[{"versions": [102, 103], "formats": [{"pretty": false, "unclosedelements":
false}, {"pretty": false, "unclosedelements": true}, {"pretty": true,
"unclosedelements": false}, {"pretty": true, "unclosedelements": true}]},
{"versions": [], "formats": []}, {"chgpinfirst": false, "clientuidreq":
true, "authtokenfirst": false, "mfachallengefirst": false}]

On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 4:38 AM csingley <csingley at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Aside from the extra whitespace, which shouldn't matter, the git code has
> closing tags on every element while the AQB5 code has closing tags only on
> grouping elements.
> >
> > USERID is specified in the OFX 1.6 DTD as
> > and according to
> >
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Generalized_Markup_Language#OMITTAG
> > the "- o" in the middle means that it should have an opening tag and no
> > closing tag.
> Sorry to butt in..  MAY have, not SHOULD have.  Closing tags are optional
> for OFXv1 "elements" (i.e. data-bearing leaf nodes).
> But the spec doesn't really matter in the real world.  The FIs code to
> Quicken, not to the spec... and Quicken sends OFXv1 with unclosed
> elements.
> Therefore, AqBanking really should do so as well in order to be useful.
> Contrary to the spec, USAA doesn't accept closing tags on elements.
> However, USAA does accept OFXv2, specifically versions 202 and 205.  Just
> send them XML.
> Here's the result of scanning USAA's server:
> (ofxtools) 6:30:50 csingley at nous ofxtools sequences ? ofxget scan usaa
> [{"versions": [102, 151], "formats": [{"pretty": false, "unclosedelements":
> true}, {"pretty": true, "unclosedelements": true}]}, {"versions": [200,
> 202], "formats": [{"pretty": false}, {"pretty": true}]}, {"chgpinfirst":
> false, "clientuidreq": false, "authtokenfirst": false, "mfachallengefirst":
> false}]
> --
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