[GNC] AQBanking OFX DirectConnect
chris graves
mohavebaked at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 18:00:20 EDT 2020
Not sure if it matters, but the OFX clause/aggregate? in AQB5 is on three lines with a line break after the USERID and again after USERPASS.
In git, there is a linebreak after each element/aggregate.
> On Mar 18, 2020, at 2:51 PM, John Ralls <jralls at ceridwen.us> wrote:
> I changed the line just below OFXHEADER to
> GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(buf, "100");
> producing the following. No luck, it still returns a 400 error.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> Sending:
> -------------------------------------
> CHARSET:1252
> NEWFILEUID:20200318144822.000
> <OFX>
> <DTCLIENT>20200318144819
> <FI>
> <FID>24591
> </FI>
> <APPVER>2300
> </SONRQ>
> <TRNUID>20200318144822
> <BANKID>24591
> <DTSTART>20200309000000
> <DTEND>20200318000000
> </OFX>
>> On Mar 18, 2020, at 2:47 PM, John Ralls <jralls at ceridwen.us> wrote:
>> It won't let you leave that blank, and even if it did it would put '100' in both fields:
>> if (!(s && *s))
>> s="100";
>> GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(buf, "OFXHEADER:");
>> GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(buf, s);
>> GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(buf, "\r\nDATA:OFXSGML\r\n");
>> GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(buf, "VERSION:");
>> s=AO_User_GetHeaderVer(u);
>> if (!s || !*s)
>> s="102";
>> GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(buf, s);
>> GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(buf, "\r\n");
>> Because at the second test s has a value.
>> The new code doesn't emit the trailing tags, so that may not have been the problem. The main difference other than the OFXHEADER: value now appears to be that there are newlines between the fields. Are those getting escaped in GWEN_SyncIo_Http_Write?
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
>>> On Mar 18, 2020, at 2:34 PM, Martin Preuss <martin at aqbanking.de> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> not ATM, but that can be arranged. However, how about leaving that field
>>> empty in the settings dialog? That should default to 100 for OFXHEADER
>>> and 102 for VERSION (for - ahem - historic reasons, I'm sure I had
>>> good^H^H^H reasons for those mixed defaults... :-})
>>> Regards
>>> Martin
>>> Am 18.03.20 um 22:26 schrieb Chris Graves:
>>>> Nice! I see that the change has been made, but still receive the HTTP
>>>> 400 error.
>>>> In the AQB5 ofx.log file for a successful case, I see
>>>> OFXHEADER:100
>>>> VERSION:102
>>>> In the AQB6 file, I see
>>>> OFXHEADER:102
>>>> VERSION:102
>>>> Not sure if this could be the problem. Is there a way to set OFXHEADER
>>>> and VERSION independently?
>>>> On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 2:02 PM Martin Preuss <martin at aqbanking.de
>>>> <mailto:martin at aqbanking.de>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> you can change the header manually to 102/103 in the homebanking setup
>>>> dialog (select user, edit user, switch to app settings and type-in
>>>> header version 102).
>>>> Regards
>>>> Martin
>>>> Am 18.03.20 um 21:57 schrieb Chris Graves:
>>>>> Hi Martin,
>>>>> Looking better! However, to my knowledge, my bank only supports OFX
>>>>> version 102 or 103. I had been using 102.
>>>>> ofx.log:
>>>>> Sending:
>>>>> -------------------------------------
>>>>> OFXHEADER:220
>>>>> VERSION:220
>>>>> CHARSET:1252
>>>>> NEWFILEUID:20200318135033.000
>>>>> <OFX>
>>>>> <SONRQ>
>>>>> <DTCLIENT>20200318135025.000
>>>>> On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 1:32 PM Martin Preuss <martin at aqbanking.de
>>>> <mailto:martin at aqbanking.de>
>>>>> <mailto:martin at aqbanking.de <mailto:martin at aqbanking.de>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>>> could you please test the latest GIT version? It should create
>>>> valid
>>>>> OFXv1 requests now, however, I can't test it completely since
>>>> I only
>>>>> have access to an OFXv2 server...
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Martin
>>>>> Am 18.03.20 um 16:31 schrieb chris graves:
>>>>>> An additional bit of information from /tmp/ofx.log:
>>>>>> AQB5:
>>>>>> Sending:
>>>>>> -------------------------------------
>>>>>> OFXHEADER:100
>>>>>> VERSION:102
>>>>>> CHARSET:1252
>>>>>> NEWFILEUID:20200318081757.000
>>>>>> <OFX>...
>>>>> [...]
>>>>> --
>>>>> "Things are only impossible until they're not"
>>>> --
>>>> "Things are only impossible until they're not"
>>> --
>>> "Things are only impossible until they're not"
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