[GNC] [GNC-dev] PDF Reports

Alan Auerbach aauerbach at poolthing.com
Thu Mar 19 12:22:55 EDT 2020

Thank you!

Best wishes,
/s/ Alan 
14343 North Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard, Apt. 1009 
Scottsdale, AZ 85260-3634 
(480) 657-7543 Home 
(480) 922-0484 Text 
(844) 395-7098 Fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Hendry <hendry.michael at gmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2020 1:29 AM
To: aauerbach at poolthing.com
Cc: John Ralls <jralls at ceridwen.us>; Derek Atkins <derek at ihtfp.com>; David Carlson <david.carlson.417 at gmail.com>; GnuCash Users <gnucash-user at gnucash.org>
Subject: Re: [GNC-dev] PDF Reports

> On 18 Mar 2020, at 16:38, Alan Auerbach <aauerbach at poolthing.com> wrote:
> Dear John, Michael, Derek, David and all others,
> Thank you so very much for replying to me so rapidly with such 
> excellent advice. I am new not only to gnucash but to the concept of 
> list mail. I apologize for my errors and misuse, but I am so grateful 
> for the assistance that you all have been providing. Thank you.
> First, the export to HTML was a perfect workaround. I now have very 
> legible reports. Thank you for that. Then, I just want to note that 
> these reports are for my personal use; no one else normally sees them. 
> I made the inquiry because I was having difficulty reading the split 
> text. I want to make it easier on myself and all of you have made that 
> happen. I cannot be happier with this system and the time and effort 
> each of you have volunteered to help me. I hope, in time, that I will 
> have something to contribute from experience.
> Best wishes,
> /s/ Alan
> 14343 North Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard, Apt. 1009 Scottsdale, AZ 
> 85260-3634
> (480) 657-7543 Home
> (480) 922-0484 Text
> (844) 395-7098 Fax

Morning, Alan.

I’m currently working through a series of reports which _will_ need to be examined by an auditor, and have been refining the reports’ configuration settings as I go.

To ensure that I’ve converted all the HTML files to PDF, I’ve written the shell script below which may be helpful to other Mac users as it stands, or for other OSes with appropriate modification.



# h2p.sh
# Michael Hendry
# 19th March 2020
# Convert all .html files in current directory to .pdf files in subdirectory ./pdf (created if necessary) # # Requires “htmldoc” - see https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/htmldoc
# First make a directory for the converted files (the -p means it will create the whole path if necessary) mkdir -p ./pdf # Now loop through all .html files and convert to pdf for f in *.html do # Note that $f has to be enclosed in quotation marks, to cope with spaces in filenames.
	htmldoc --charset utf-8 --webpage --header ... -f  ./pdf/"$txt".pdf "$f"
# Alternatively, the following command con be run from the command-line:
# mkdir -p ./pdf ;for f in *.html;do txt=${f%.*}; htmldoc --charset utf-8 --webpage --header ... -f  ./pdf/"$txt".pdf "$f" ;done

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