[GNC] Contingency Funds was: Re: How to record Personal income tax ?

Long Phamhoanglongvn at outlook.com
Mon Mar 23 04:24:54 EDT 2020


I'm sorry, maybe i am misunderstanding. So what should i record this
>From 1 to 12 of year :
* 1 :
I need to transfer from "liability:tax" to "expense:tax" 100 each month
At the end of year, i owe 1200 because Liability:tax is 1200
And when i pay tax, i transfer from asset to Liability:Tax 1200.
Right ?
And my question is: if the end of year, I just pay tax about 1000 Because
for some reasons. How can i record this ?
Now, Liability still have 200, I need to transfer from "expense:tax" to
liability:tax ( in december) 200 in December? 

* 2 :
Or you mean, i will transfer 100 each month from Asset to Liability. Now at
the end of year, Liability:Tax is "-1200". When i pay tax in December, i
will transfer from Liability to expense:tax ? 
Now, I have to pay 1000 for income tax, and my Liability is : -200, so i
will transfer that amount back to my asset ?

Sorry, But i'm confusing now.

Thank you david, you are helped me a lot. Waiting your Reply.

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