[GNC] Data conversion to QuickBooks

David Cousens davidcousens at bigpond.com
Sun May 24 17:16:17 EDT 2020

First step is to back your datafile(s) up onto another device or a flashdrive
or the cloud before you lose access. If you open Gnucash to your file, then
select File->SaveAs the file manager normally opens at the location on your
hard disk where your file is located. Note the path to the file if you are
going to store it in a cloud location  or change location to your flashdrive
and store the file on it. 

You can get a free Dropbox account by signing up on their website which is
then accessible from any device you connect to it from. Google Drive,
OneDrve  etc are all similar alternatives and most offer free limited
storage to customers and keep a record of the account details.

Once your file is safely stored you have the time to find an alternative

David Cousens
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