[GNC] Your Classification / Tagging Implementation

Gal galbarm at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 16:49:52 EST 2020

The most requested feature in gnucash is to have transaction classification,
also known as tags / dimensions / categories / classes

Say I spend 100€ at a restaurant during a vacation in Italy.
The obvious transaction is a 100€ credit to checking account and 100€ debit
to Expenses:Eating out
But I would also like to be able to track the vacation expenses, so I have
to classify all transactions took place during the vacation, for example
with a #italy2020 tag.

Summarizing all discussions I've read, there are two common workarounds, or
ways to manually implement classification in gnucash:

1. By adding the tag #italy2020 to the description, note or memo field of
the transaction.
The transaction report can then filter transactions by the tag string.

2. By creating an additional account, called italy2020, and change the
transaction splits in the following way:
Cr. Assets:Checking 100€
Dr. Tags:italy2020 100€
Cr. Tags:italy2020 100€
Dr. Expenses:Eating out 100€

Those of you who implement such taggings, can you share your method, and why
you prefer your method over the other?

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