[GNC] Wrong starting balance

Jim DeLaHunt list+gnucash at jdlh.com
Fri Nov 20 19:41:22 EST 2020

On 2020-11-20 16:32, Liz wrote:

> I was trying to reconcile an account for the first time since I created
> it.
> The reconcile dialogue says it has a starting balance of $6,300.
> I have no idea from where this starting balance has come. The first
> entry is $1.87.
> I can't find any entry in any account for $6,300
> Has anyone any ideas on how to handle this?
> Liz

Hello, Liz:

Are any of the transactions in that account reconciled? Do you have a 
"starting balance" transaction in that account, perhaps created when you 
created the account?

The reconciliation model for GnuCash assumes that you start by 
reconciling the earliest transactions, and move forward sequentially in 
time, reconciling bit by bit.  When you start a reconciliation, GnuCash 
adds up all the reconciled transactions for that account, regardless of 
date, and that becomes your starting balance.

Does this help?

Best regards,
       —Jim DeLaHunt

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