[GNC] ASX quotes not working

Peter West pbw at pbw.id.au
Thu Oct 15 01:49:25 EDT 2020

Peter West
pbw at pbw.id.au
“Woe to you lawyers also! For you load people with burdens hard to bear, and you yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers.”

It’s not strange, because %decoded_json is the name of a hash, a structure of key=>value pairs. A single “value” is a scalar, so to refer to that you must use a $, as in $decoded_json{key_value}. All scalars are referred to by $<name”.

> It is curious that, although I have "$decoded_json", it is referring to "%decoded_json".

I assume that this

Undefined subroutine &Finance::Quote::ASX::asx called at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Finance/Quote.pm line 604.

is happening because the module failed to compile.

This is happening

Global symbol "%decoded_json" requires explicit package name at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Finance/Quote/ASX.pm line 138.

I think because the declaration at line 116 should be

		my @decoded_json = eval{decode_json( $json )};

rather than
		my $decoded_json = eval{decode_json( $json )};


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