[GNC] Managing UK Gift-Aid

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Thu Oct 29 06:26:08 EDT 2020

On 10/29/2020 5:18 AM, Chris Green wrote:
> I am treasurer for a small PCC in the UK.
> I know there are other similar charity treasurer's hereabouts.
> How do you handle Gift-Aid in your accounts, or do you not bother at
> all and simply record the datail of Gift-Aid donations separately for
> making the on-line claim?
> It seems a pity to have to record things twice but on the other hand
> the level of detail required for the claim to HMRC is much more than
> one wants to have in the annual accounts.

Not in the UK. But this appears similar to here "grants" of the 
reimbursement type. But with an added twist. Not only having to track 
eligible expenses but also not all donations eligible,

The donations part easy. Just have two sub accounts under donations, one 
for eligible and one for not.

On the expense side, I need to know what else you need to submit besides 
a number << all the reimbursement grants I dealt with also required 
copies of receipts/invoices >>. If JUST expenses (just numbers) then 
again a simple partition eligible for Gift-Aid/Not. The extra work 
(entering twice) does not exist unless your board wants applying for 
reimbursement continuously. Not going to be that much extra work if done 
say quarterly transferring "unclaimed" to "claimed".

I know it might seem like trouble. But at every board meeting I expected 
to have among the questions "how much do we have left of the XYZ grant".

Michael D Novack

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