[GNC] Can't "Save As" to sqlite, is it a compile option?

Chris Green cl at isbd.net
Sun Sep 13 10:57:07 EDT 2020

On Sun, Sep 13, 2020 at 10:40:59AM -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:
> The SQL backend uses libdbi and that is a compile-time option. However you
> need runtime libraries to enable the various SQL backends to work.
> Most likely you don't have the appropriate SQLite database drivers
> installed.  Search for libdbi-dbd-sqlite and similar.
Thank you Derek, spot on!  I needed to install libdbd-sqlite3 and now
GnuCash offers to save in sqlite3.

I was confused by a web site (not GnuCash) that said:-
    From version 4.2, Gnucash supports PostrgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3.

Chris Green

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