[GNC] Banner Bank - OFX setup question

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Wed Sep 16 21:25:05 EDT 2020

> On Sep 16, 2020, at 6:02 PM, Tom B via gnucash-user <gnucash-user at gnucash.org> wrote:
> I may be missing something but don't really think it is a sandbox issue as
> other banks/accounts work as expected. I had seen where ofxhome has
> successfully checked the site over the past few months. The following is
> from another bank -
> AqBanking v6.2.1.0stable
> Sending jobs to the bank(s)
> Sorting commands by account
> Sorting commands by account
> Sorting commands by provider
> Send commands to providers
> Send commands to provider "aqofxconnect"
> Locking customer "14"
> Sending request...
> Connecting to server...
> Resolving hostname "service2.usaa.com" ...
> IP address is ""
> Connecting to "service2.usaa.com"
> Connected to "service2.usaa.com"
> Using GnuTLS default ciphers.
> TLS: SSL-Ciphers negotiated: TLS1.3:ECDHE-RSA-AES-256-GCM:AEAD
> Connected.
> Sending message...
> Message sent.
> Waiting for response...
> Receiving response...
> HTTP-Status: 400 (Bad Request)
> Unlocking customer "14"
> The "sandbox" may be an issue whereby I am not generating an OfX log?

OK, that does rule out the sandbox blocking your network connection, but unless you edited the earlier log all of those messages about connecting to server, resolving the IP address, connecting, connected, should have been there. Look for other things that might affect those messages like the bank URL.

Yes, the sandbox might be blocking writing the ofx log. Try specifying a full path as David suggested. On the other hand if it's not connecting to the server there won't be any ofx messages to log, so maybe you should test it with USAA.

John Ralls

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