[GNC] Entering A Scheduled Transaction Early

Vincent Fu vincentfu at gmail.com
Sun Apr 4 15:09:40 EDT 2021

The way I would do this is:

1) Click on Actions->Scheduled Transactions->Since Last Run
2) Change the "Status" column for your transaction from "Reminder" to 
3) Check the "Review created transactions" checkbox at the bottom of the 
4) Click on OK
5) Adjust the date in the new tab for the newly created scheduled 

Hope this helps.

On 4/4/21 8:29 AM, Jack Frillman via gnucash-user wrote:
> I have a scheduled transaction for the 15th of each month.
> This month and only this one time I want to make it before it's 
> scheduled date of the 15th.
> How can easily I do that?
> The only way I could see how to do it was going into the scheduled 
> transactions options, adjusting the day ahead value, exit GNUCash, 
> restart and change the day ahead value back to zero.
> Thanks.

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