[GNC] difficulties I am having

Jay Bouxsein diananjay at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 18:51:58 EDT 2021

I have been using GNUCASH for several years to basically track income and
expenses for rental properties my wife and I own.  I do not use it for any
other purposes, I enter all of our expenses and income and then produce a P
$ L report and send that to our accountant who keeps our historical books
and prepares our tax returns.  Obviously I could use a spreadsheet as my
accountant suggested, but I really like your aids in completing the entry
process, the plus and minus feature, and typing just the first few
characters and so forth.

     In the past, we have done all of the data entry in March of the next
year and it goes fast because we do not have a lot of units (less than 10 )
and limited suppliers (less than 30).  My procedure is to call up the
program and it opens to a register automatically, displaying all of our
transactions from the previous year and all I need to do is update the date
of the first transaction which by default is the current date.  For
example, the date displayed was April 21, 2021 and our first transaction
was for January 2, 2020.  All was going well until we got to March of 2020
when I could not find an expense account and tried to add a new expense
account and all hell broke loose. I could not get back to the account
register data entry screen we always used.  Eventually I figured out that
the account that I thought was missing actually was not and what I had done
was to create a nearly duplicate account so I deleted the account that I
had just created and then I was able to get a screen that looked just like
the one we always had, but we noticed some differences.

On our old register screen we used to have a column for deposits to our
checking account and checks written out of that account.  Now our screen
shows "Expense" in the column which used to have "Deposit" and "rebate" has
been substituted for the check amount. That does not seem right to me.  I
am 72 years old and actually was pretty good with the software which was
available back in the 70's, 80's & 90's but not so much any more.  I have a
feeling that my problem should be a simple one to fix, but my weakness in
dealing with accounting software is holding me back.  I should add that I
do have a hard copy of a "transction report, Income statement and P&L which
I have attached to this email in the hope it will give you enough
information to understand my missive.

I thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Jay Bouxsein
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